Die Definition der Weiblichkeit aufbrechen, sie als formlose Energie akzeptieren und wahrnehmen. Ohne Gesicht und Adjektiv darf sie alles sein und jedes Wesen bewohnen. 


Frida als Repräsentation. Den Unterleib durchbohrt, mal Anzug, mal Blumen tragend, verwandelt sie Schmerz in ehrliche, starke Welten. Die Essenz der Frida ist in uns allen. Sie vereint die Vielfalt der Weiblichkeit. Die Wiedergeburt dieser Energie ist im Gange und befreit sich.


E X H I B I T I O N  L O V E L A C E  "M O M E N T S"

(April, 2018)


This Exhibition at the wonderful Hotel "Lovelace" in Munich, was in Cooperation with the collectiv "Coexist", who asked me to join their group-exhibition. They gave me one hotelroom where I could show my pictures of the series "Moments". Later at night I had the amazing DJ Hr.Klotz who was playing the perfect music for my art.

Thank you Coexist for this opportunity and thank you Hr.Klotz for your music.




E X H I T I O N   "10  I M  Q U A D R A T  R E L O A D E D"  F A R B E N L A D E N   M U N I C H

(March, 2018)


This exhibition was a group exhibition which was created by the "Süddeutsche Zeitung - Junge Leute". They asked me if I want to join. The basic concept from them was that 10 photographers are taking photos of 10 artists from munich and every photographer can create an own concept of how the pictures will look like. It was such an interesting experience of getting to know all these people and working together with "Süddeutsche Zeitung - Junge Leute". Thank you for this opportunity.

E X H I B I T I O N  K A F F E E  K O S M O S  M U N I C H  "M O M E N T S"

(February, 2018)


This exhibition I had as a solo exhibition and it was a very personal reason why I was so happy having the opportunity to show my pictures of the series "Moments" at this place. It was a very good evening and later at night DJ Hr.Klotz was playing music for my music again. Never chance a running system ;)



E X H I B I T I O N  A T E L I E R T H E A T E R  W I E N  "M O M E N T S"

(Oktober, 2017)


For tis exhibition I travelled to Vienna and had the chance to show my pictues there for one month at the Ateliertheater Wien. Many friends from Munich came and also some people from Vienna. It was a great time there and of course DJ Hr.Klotz played his fabulous music on the night of the vernissage.











E X H I B I T I O N  D A R K  R O O M  B E L G I E N  "M O M E N T S"

(November, 2017)




"A R T & W E I S E" 

F A R B E N L A D E N  M U N I C H

(September, 2017)


For the Exhibition "Art&Weise" I booked the galerie "Farbenladen" in Munich for one Month and was the curator for an group-exhibition with 7 artists form Munich. All the topics of the artists had something do to with the perspective we have about sexuality. Everyone showed it in their own special way but our issues have been all connected. There have been videos, paitings, collages, sculptures, photographes, music and light installations.





    Aylin kohlbecher (VERSURA)

    Matthias Edlinger

    Patrick Fuchs

Karolina Ramut

Alina Oswald

Amano Viktor Jaki


Photos Vernissage: Thomas Karsten / Cem Czerwionke / Festival Floater

E X H I B I T I O N  W A N N D A  K U N S T-  U N D  K U L T U R  F E S T I V A L  "M O M E N T S"

(April, 2017)






In this night of the vernissage at Altgiesing Hr.Klotz created this wonderful Mix in the name of "Moments & Deconstruction". Thank you so much for that.


Listen to it: Here

E X H I B I T I O N   "M O M E N T  &  D E C O N S T R U C T I O N"

A L T G I E S I N G   M U N I C H

(March, 2017)


For my very first Exhibition with the series "Moments" I made a concept together with the great artist Karolina Ramut. I showed my pictures of "Moments" without telling the viewer about the orgasm. It was an experiment if they feel what the person on the photo is feeling. And Karolina drawed my photos and made a collage out of it, so her part was the "Deconstruction". At this night Hr.Klotz and me started die cooperation of me showing photos and he playing music on the vernissage. It matches in a perfect way.


 Check out Hr.Klotz page: Here

Check out Karolinas page: Here